How Long Does a TPD Claim Take to Process?

10 October 2024 | TPD Claims

The answer to the question ‘How long does a TPD claim take to process?’ depends on several different factors, including the type of Total and Permanent Disability cover you have, the nature of the disability, and the strength of the evidence.

You can lodge an application for Total and Permanent Disability at any time after the waiting period has passed. The waiting period is usually 90 days to 180 days from the date you had to stop work due to disability.

Preparing a strong claim takes time, and then you have to wait for the insurer to process the application. Given the financial pressure disabled people face, it is important to get started as soon as possible.

Below, we look at the factors that affect how long a TPD claim takes to process and how our lawyers can help. If you need immediate assistance, call TPD Compensation Lawyers at 03 9966 7188 today. We serve clients in Melbourne and throughout Victoria.

How Long Does the Average TPD Claim Take?

On average, it takes 6 months for an insurance company to finalise a TPD claim. This assumes that the application has been completed correctly and the insurer has all of the information needed to make a decision.

More complex claims (such as those involving mental disorders, injuries or illnesses affecting multiple bodily systems, etc.) may require more time to review and/or additional medical assessments. In these situations, it can take 12 months or more to get approval and receive your benefit.

What Evidence Do I Need to Make a TPD Claim?

Incomplete applications and limited medical evidence are two of the biggest reasons a TPD payout may be delayed. If the insurer requests more information, it will take longer for your claim to be approved.

Submitting a complete and accurate application is key for ensuring that your application is processed quickly, as well as increasing the likelihood of approval. After receiving your application, the TPD insurer will review the following:

  • Medical evidence of the disability, including reports from your doctors
  • The severity of the injury or illness, including symptoms and limitations that affect your ability to work
  • Your work history, including your education, skills, training, etc.
  • Prior earnings, as shown by payslips and tax returns

Based on this information, the insurer will determine whether your condition meets the definition of Total and Permanent Disability. If you qualify for TPD, they will also calculate the value of the benefit.

When Will I Receive My TPD Payout?

Unfortunately, payments aren’t made immediately once a decision is reached on a TPD claim. For claims made through super insurance, the fund’s trustee will perform a separate review before authorising a payout. This can take an additional 1–2 months.

The reason clients ask the question ‘How long does a TPD claim take to process?’ is because of the stress and uncertainty they feel. Experienced TPD lawyers can help you understand the time frame involved in making a claim, as well as fight for a faster resolution if the insurer engages in delay tactics or disputes your eligibility.

Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Make a TPD Claim

People who have been seriously injured or suffer a debilitating illness often fight valiantly to continue living as they did before. This includes doing their best to continue working. For disabled individuals, work isn’t just a means to make money so they can pay bills and medical expenses; having a job is also crucial for their sense of fulfilment.

If you become disabled, you may be entitled to compensation for Total and Permanent Disability. Unfortunately, claimants are often unaware that they have TPD cover and don’t know how to claim their entitlement.

During a recent Senate inquiry into superannuation insurance, insurance industry insiders testified that disabled individuals often wait years before applying for TPD. Most Australians have only a few months of savings (at most) to draw upon if they were to lose the ability to work. For a lot of Aussies, their savings will run out before the TPD waiting period ends—let alone the review and approval of their application.

Waiting to lodge a claim, combined with how long it takes to process TPD applications, can put someone who is totally and permanently disabled in financial jeopardy. It is important to gain an understanding of your right to TPD as soon as possible and get help with your application.

Learn How TPD Compensation Lawyers Can Help

The process of lodging a TPD claim can be intimidating. Experienced legal counsel and support is essential for your peace of mind, as well as boosting the chances of a positive outcome.

How long does a TPD claim take to process? TPD Compensation Lawyers can answer this question and many more during your FREE claim check. Our experts can assist you throughout the process, from preparing your application to communicating with the insurer to pursuing the maximum payout.

Contact TPD Compensation Lawyers Today or visit our website to use our FREE claim check now.